Massages, scrubs and wraps in the Beer Hotel

In addition to the beer spa and wellness, the Beer Hotel also offers massages, wraps and scrubs. Come to us not only to load up on beer, but also to relax! 
Please book your massage in advance by emailing, or by calling 373 721 968 or 724 901 874. Advance reservation is REQUIRED, capacity is limited. 


1. Total massage
50 min, 1120 CZK

Let yourself be carried away by this soothing massage, which promotes blood circulation throughout the body and thus the removal of waste substances. The result is balanced muscle tension, relaxation and overall calming.

2. Partial massage
25 min, 620 CZK

This massage is ideal for relieving tension in the neck, back, or for congested lower limbs.

3. Aroma massage
(a) partial
25 min, 690 CZK

(b) overall 
50 min, 1250 CZK

Classical massage performed with warm, highly effective precious oils. Choosing your favourite oil increases the effect of pleasant sensation and sensual pleasure.

4. Antistress massage
50 min, 1250 CZK

This gentle, deeply regenerating relaxing massage is performed with flat hands and light pressure. It calms the nervous system, reduces stress and brings inner peace and harmony.

5. Lava stones
50 min, 1620 CZK

Using pleasantly warm stones, the massage releases internal and muscular tension and induces a very pleasant sensation throughout the body that stimulates the self-healing powers of the body, mind and soul. The combination of massage and contact with the hot stones ensures a pleasant overall treatment experience.

6. Reflexology of the sole of the foot
20 min, 690 CZK

All organs of our body can be reflexively influenced through certain zones of our feet, because the entire nerve pathways of the body end in the foot. It creates new energy and increases overall well-being.

8. Coconut-maca peeling
25min, 560 CZK

Coconut oil has a wide range of uses in skin, lip, hair and body care. It can moisturize, soften and nourish the skin. It has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, which is why it is used in the treatment of eczema and dry skin. The delicate poppy aroma has a strong, calming effect on the human psyche, soothing the central nervous system, helping with neuroses and mental imbalances. It soothes headaches, relieves muscle spasms and ensures a restful sleep.

9. Peeling with sea salt
25min, 520 CZK

A refreshing, coarse-grained scrub made from sea salt and aromatic oils stimulates blood circulation, leaving your skin noticeably smoother and softer. At the same time, it also nourishes dry skin and removes dead skin cells.

10. Coffee scrub
25 min, 560 CZK

Thanks to the caffeine, the coffee scrub accelerates blood circulation, which tightens the skin and makes it firmer.
Antioxidants in high concentration contribute to the reduction of subcutaneous fat and help the body to get rid of toxins.
Contraindications to this peeling are varicose veins and scrotums.

11. Beer wrap
25 min, 560 CZK

Due to the composition of the malt flour, the positive effect of the vitamins and proteins contained in the malt flour on the skin and skin adnexa is quite demonstrable. It is particularly suitable for the treatment of atopic eczema, psoriasis (psoriasis), dermatitis (depending on the type) or problems with 'dry skin'. It can be used for the cosmetic indication of cellulitis, changes in skin quality and as a skin nourishing mask. It leads to the reduction of chronic arthritic problems, increased blood circulation - removal of metabolites and improvement of the functional properties of the musculoskeletal system.

12. Indian anti-stress head massage
25 min/ 50 min, 690 CZK/1250 CZK 

Traditional Indian head massage was part of Ayurvedic teachings in India more than a thousand years ago. Also known as "champi," this massage is performed on the head, neck and shoulders and has many beneficial effects on the body and mind. It is designed to relieve stress, tension, improve circulation and promote overall well-being. It is good for irritability, fatigue and anxiety. It also stimulates hair growth and improves hair quality. It is performed seated.

13. Detox honey massage with wrap
50 min, 1450 CZK

Detoxifying honey massage acts as an effective body cleansing, removing old deposits and toxic substances from the body tissues. Very effective for hangovers, fatigue, reduced immunity, arthritis, headaches, exhaustion and weakness.
After the massage it is very necessary to rest, to drink plenty of water, not to drink alcohol and not to use soaps or creams. It must not be performed if you are allergic to any bee product!

14. Massage with threshing bags
50 min, 1450 CZK

Massage with the calf is originally from East Asia and is one of the most popular relaxation and regeneration techniques. The bellows are filled with beer mash, which contains vitamins and proteins that have been shown to have a positive effect on the skin.
It is particularly suitable for the treatment of atopic eczema, psoriasis (psoriasis), dermatitis (depending on the type) or problems with "dry skin". It can be used for the cosmetic indication of cellulitis, changes in skin quality and as a skin nourishing mask. It leads to the reduction of chronic arthritic problems, increased blood circulation - removal of metabolites and improvement of the functional properties of the musculoskeletal system.
Massage with threshing bags warms up muscles, removes their tension and stiffness, is suitable for joint pain, gives energy and regenerates.
